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Rund um die Wildnis

Entdecken Sie weite Savannen, dichten Dschungel, sich windende Flüsse und Naturreservate voller atemberaubender Wildtiere. Finden Sie Tipps und Tricks für Ihr Safari Abenteuer und lesen inspirierende Geschichten aus aller Welt.

How I Kayaked My Way Through a Delta Safari

I love the great outdoors. It’s where I feel relaxed, aware, and happy. It’s where I feel I belong.

Ecotourism in Africa: The Personal Experience of a Travel Blogger

I’ve heard many amazing stories about Africa and its thriving ecotourism industry, so I wanted to check out a truly natural safari experience. For that, I’ve chosen Botswana, one of the most beautiful, safest, and welcoming countries on the continent.

My Very First African Safari: What It's Really Like to Go on a Safari

Doing things for the first time is exciting and fun, but it can also be a bit scary. Especially when it comes to safaris – a situation that puts you in a new country surrounded by wild animals! That said, once you know you’re in good hands, the anxiety dissipates and you’re left with the freedom to make the most out of your adventure. 

Travel Bloggers Share Their Favorite African Countries for Safaris

Gone are the days when it was both hard and very expensive to plan a safari trip. Nowadays, it is normal to throw some clothes in your backpack and explore the wildlife during a weekend.  

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