Great Value for money Safari Option compared to other operators.
The accommodation is quite simple (somtimes tents) but I found it comfortable. You can possibly pay more for an upgrade to better accommodation but in my experience it isn't worth the extra money.
Food was more than filling (you wont go hungry). Food in Kenya was relatively simple but tasty. Food in Tanzania was very good. Considering the local produce available to them the cooks did very well with what they had to work with.
Guides were excellent. They know the parks extremely well and will be able to give you a good chance of seeing most large wildlife (We saw the big 5 in Kenya and also again in Tanzania - not guaranteed though, we were lucky).
The guides also know most behavioural characteristics of all the animals so there are few questions they were not able to answer. Guides were also fluent or near fluent in english.
Overall highly reccomend trip. The 11 day safari gives you access to 6 national parks (3 in Kenya and 3 in Tanzania) which each has thier own unique wildlife mix and habitat. For some people 11 days may be a bit too much but for me it was a good length and allowed me to really take in the wildlife and varied habitat without time pressure