Your safari will take place in Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks located in Kenya.
Tsavo East National Park
Tsavo East National Park is part of the Greater Tsavo National Park that includes Tsavo East and West National Parks and the Chyulu Hills and consists mostly of miles and miles of dry flat thorn-bush, semi-arid acacia scrub, and narrow woodland dominated by acacia. Swampy marshlands occur near Voi River. This has made it possible to host a wide variety of wildlife. Though big in size, some parts of Tsavo East are not open to tourist over the years but today, restricted access is allowed. Wonderful baobab trees are also a common sight in the Park. Tsavo East is located about 200 kilometers southeast of Nairobi, on the main Nairobi-Mombasa road.
Tsavo West National Park
Tsavo West National Park topography features a wide range of habitats, wildlife, and a young mountain scenery unique in Kenya, a spectacular showcase of recent geological activities. With Mount Kilimanjaro sitting on its flank, this recent volcanic area abounds in hills and mountains (like the Chyulu or Ngulia hills and Chaimu Crater), in lake, rivers, and springs (Jipe lake, Tsavo River, and Mzima Springs), and other geological particularities such as lava flows (Shetani flow), caves (Shetani caves), and outcrops rock and ridges (Roaring rocks). All these landmarks and nature treasures erupted millions of years after the energic shake-up of the earth of Tsavo.
Tsavo West National Park's landscape is dominated, especially off the hills by the giant baobab, a tree that is reputed to live a thousand years. After the rains, Tsavo West National Park is showered with white and pink ipomoea, the morning glory family, and the acacia trees are festooned with feathery masses of white and pink blossom. The desert rose, somewhat like a miniature baobab, produces fuschia-pink flowers of striking beauty at almost any time of the year